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Recognise any of these?


Repeating patterns

Spinning out of control

Stuck in a rut

Feeling afraid, stupid, overemotional, hurt............



What Secrets Do Your Drawings Reveal About You?

"I can't draw" is not an issue!

Abstract Watercolor Drawing

So what can you do about any of it?

Nobody goes unscathed through life.

We are all on a journey, to be specific, our own unique and personal journey shaped by life experiences.

As a psychologist and Change Coach I truly believe in the power of drawings to look at what's going on from a different perspective. When you are ready you will know:

  • Are you really honest about what your patterns are ? (however cringeworthy)

    • Are you totally fed up with your patterns? enough to face them head on?

  • Do you truly want to change your life ?

    • Are you willing to let go of patterns that may somehow be serving you? (getting you exempt from certain types of work, social gatherings etc etc)

    • Do you want to stop using negative words and thoughts?

    • Are you willing to release the emotions associated with past events?

  • Do you have the courage to change your future? 

    • To acknowledge and let go of behaviour ​that's holding you back?



I read drawings….

Using drawings I help people change their thought patterns so they truly look at life from a different perspective.

How do I do it? My new programme rewires thought patterns. It allows people to look at their own life from all angles and step by step create a 'picture' of their current life. Taking a closer look to find the patterns and belief systems having the most influence on thier day to day life. With clarity it becomes possible to create an image of their new desired life. 

In many cases we have just learned to live with the pain making it part of ourselves, manifesting in ways that make our life so much more difficult such as poor sleep, recurrent injuries, lack of concentration, restlessness, burn-out, poor self esteem; the list goes on.


Becoming aware of what is really going on is so very important. Where do your behaviour patterns stem from? Using simple drawings or paintings we can literally look at what's going on - the first step to unlocking your future.


Feel free to contact me with any questions with regard to changing how you react. I am fluent in both Dutch and English (native speaker).


Book An Appointment

If YOU know YOU need something to change to get your life back on track, take the first step and book an appointment.

(Ik woon al ruim 30 jaar in Nederland dus alles mag ook in het Nederlands, geen enkel probleem.)

Upcoming Events

  • Werken met tekeningen - voor coaches, therapeuten, psychologen, docenten en begeleiders
    Werken met tekeningen - voor coaches, therapeuten, psychologen, docenten en begeleiders
    ma 06 mei
    06 mei 2024, 10:00 – 16:30 CEST
    Valkenburg, 2235 Valkenburg, Netherlands
    06 mei 2024, 10:00 – 16:30 CEST
    Valkenburg, 2235 Valkenburg, Netherlands
    Als je al werkt met cliënten kan het gebruik van tekeningen een compleet andere blik op een situatie geven.
  • Werken met tekeningen - voor coaches, therapeuten, psychologen, docenten, begeleiders en ?
    Werken met tekeningen - voor coaches, therapeuten, psychologen, docenten, begeleiders en ?
    vr 17 mei
    17 mei 2024, 09:30 – 16:30 CEST
    Valkenburg, 2235 Valkenburg, Netherlands
    17 mei 2024, 09:30 – 16:30 CEST
    Valkenburg, 2235 Valkenburg, Netherlands
    Als je al werkt met cliënten kan het gebruik van tekeningen een compleet andere blik op een situatie geven.
What Carol Says........
"Working with Carol was a pleasure. Art therapy is not something I had tried before but boy was it effective. It enabled Carol to get to root causes very quickly and within a space of weeks I have managed to recognise, understand and deal with the issues at hand. I am very grateful to Carol for her skill and insight and her caring nature and her help and would strongly recommend Carol without reservation. Thank you Carol.”


Get in Touch

- analytical art therapy - unlocking your future with art therapy - herstart je relatie met couples therapie - analysing drawings art therapy - rekindling the passion with couples therapy


Greenshields Art & Therapy

Voorschoterweg, Valkenburg ZH, 2235SH, The Netherlands

0031 (0) 648372704

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